Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I am an Audrey,not a Betty.

10 things that currently make's Brittany terribly happy.

1.Pistacio ice cream,(preferably in bed with my boyfriend).
2.The current crisp,cool autumn air.
3.Starbucks venti pumpkin spice lattes,THEY'RE BACK!
4.The idea that Christmas is a short 3 months away!
5.When little babies wave their cute dainty little hands at you when you're in public.
6.Running...yes running,I am finally getting back into my daily jog and loving it,it is so calming.
7.Gossip girl(yes I have just became obsessed over the past two weeks and watched a full three seasons!
8.Anything suede or fringe...but I am sad to say Blair Waldorfs upper east side preppy,headbands,and tights style in converting me back to pink.
9.Chuck Bass,my Chuck Bass,can you guess who he is?..
10.Pumpkin pie milkshakes from sonic!

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