Tuesday, September 4, 2012

It's Tuesday...Gangnam style

I just had to share...I had to..
(I may or may not be practicing and perfecting this dance at work today.)

Monday, September 3, 2012

rammer jammer yellow hammer!

Football Season!
Is there any better excuse to stuff ourselves full of unhealthy amounts of chips,dip,ribs,wings,ect....
I think not!Even though we didn't make it to Dallas to see my aunt and cousins and do some tailgaiting..it was still a blast!
Full of friends, food, fun, and a victory from the tide!!!
Great way to start the season boys!!!
I hope everyone had a great Labor day weekend!


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Happy Tuesday!

I have been drooling over this cake batter truffle recipe for a couple of weeks and finally decided to give it a try!!!I must say covering these little sprinkled balls of wonder with the chocolate was the only tricky part!...mine were not so lovely,but none the less,still tasty!
-I apologize for anyone attempting to diet right now..they are not wasteline friendly.

And just a few iphone pics to tie you all over:

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Life is sweet

“There is one difference between a long life & a great dinner; in the dinner, the sweet things come last.” 
― Audrey Hepburn

I came across this quote earlier today and it was one of those that just stuck to me and made me think.Not because it's deep and holds a whole lot of hidden meaning..but because it is simple and perfect,the way I like things.Audrey is my biggest icon of all time,my room is packed full of pictures of her!So many things that she has said I can relate to completely...I feel like she was simply saying that our youth is one of the sweetest treats of all...Be young,stay out late,love unconditionally,make your life a memorable one!Our younger years are short and full of random,beautiful fun..do not hold yourself back waiting,but better yet live in the now!
and I agree Audrey..
I agree completely.

And just a few iphone pics of  my date night outfit last night...
Luke and I finally made our way to see The Dark Knight Rises and it was Amazing!!!I would definately recommend everyone go and see it if you are into action movies.
 I am completely in love with these navy polka dot capris!!I got them as a major steal at Franchesca's about a week ago...and the necklace!!!which was the last one on sale that I grabbed for 10 bucks!Go Me!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Summertime Sadness

Hello again!I know I have went off the grid for a while but I am back,once again!Between work, summer classes, and soaking up every little bit of summer I have left on my off days,there just has not been any time for blogging!!Fall is not too far away and I personally,could not be more upset.I live for late afternoon swims, tan lines ,freckly sun burnt cheeks,and that simplicity that summertime always brings.
But I am making an oath to myself to savor,and document,every minute that I have left in this o so sweet season.
I plan on buying a new camera soon but until then here is some iphone pictures that can somewhat describe the chaos I have been living these past few months..

Life from my iphone:

For glitter iphone charger diy:
I just simply used a few layers of mod podge and gold glitter and voila!!!!
There is no way some one can mistake it for theirs now!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

diy Miu miu's.

After seeing  this tutorial from honestlywtf I had to give my old converses a facelift...so to speak.
only difference is that I used the converses in place of Vans.

The tutorial was super easy to follow!Have fun making your new and improved miu miu look a-likes!