Sunday, September 11, 2011

I'm gonna tear your ass up like we just got mairried.

late nights and lazy days are literally what i live for.
And did i mention I am loving this weather lately!i shall be the queen of layering this is so nice to be able to walk outside and not sweat the little bit of makeup i do wear, off immediantly!
Overall it has been a successful weekend.Football Saturdays are the best.filled with margarita's in pouches,hotwings,and Let's not forget my dearest friend Julia teaching me to do the wobble.
Ya girls got moves.
I seriously have got to get a new camera so I can start documenting every moment I can again...cause if I could I would have a picture of the barstool that sadly broke to one million pieces last night in the middle of our drinking game.We were all laughing so hard we were rolling on the floor(me already on the floor)holding our stomachs in happy pain.
Luckily I am off next Saturday and sunday as well and this girl will be going back to Bham for the weekend,seeing mom and dad and Luke who I am pretty ecstatic about seeing as well.i miss them all so.
I already feel as if I am going to have a case of the Mondays tomorrow....

I am officially obsessed with Thylane Lena-Rose Blondeau
She is only ten and has alreday graced the cover of Vogue.
she is so cute!

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