Tuesday, September 27, 2011


So other than locking myself in the apartment the past four days watching Gossip Girl,considering J lent us the first and second season's and Jt bought us the third,I am overwhelmed by the upper eastsiders.
And It also has occured to me that I am in love with Chuck Bass...

well my own version of Chuck himself...okay maybe minus the suit,ties,and suspender's everyday.
I am in love with the guy who literally,pardon my french,had to run through every girl in a 100 mile radius..but now,now none of that matters..
You have to let all of that vanish.
I knew me sitting through the embarrassment of being pushed to side while some big boobed hooters girls took what was rightfully mine,who I had worked for,who I had turned down many other dates and free dinners and cupcakes for,who I might or might not have cried over...well that would end and what was meant to be would happen.
Ahh what a tangled web we...un-weave.
It feels nice.
Things always work out in the end.And people fall into place..
O Chuck Bass...how I love you so.

On top of being totally consumed by My series,I did have an invigorating run earlier tonight.I figured it out..
I need to run right before it starts getting too dark and that way I will run faster before it gets too dark that those creepy street lights scare me!
Do not laugh.

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