Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

 So happy starbucks red cups are here!it means christmas is near!!!
Let me just say how cute are my mema and her twin betty in matching shirts at thanksgiving today!They didn't even plan it!
I really do love holidays.
I love that this whole day is about looking and seeing all that we truely do have to be thankful for!Along with giving thanks it also gives us all a reason to eat ourselves sick and shop uncontrolably.Well it does me.
I literally ate so much today I am near miserable right now.I am stuffed like a turkey.
We did lunch at my house today with my family,which is kind of more like a circus.And then did dinner at Luke's grandmothers which was wonderful.It was nice to have a thanksgiving dinner with all adults and then sit down a chat afterwards...hard to do that at our houuse with about ten toddlers running around everywhere.
I was thinking about all the things I was thankful for today here is a random list...
my parents
my wonderful boyfriend
my iphone
christmas trees
fleece sheets
christmas lights!
christmas music!
christmas decorations!
baby hands and feet
sopapilla cheesecake
watching movies with luke
...I hope that everyone had a Fantastic Thanksgiving and everyone be careful Black Friday shopping!!!

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