Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Do ya love me?

Valentine's day.

A day full of hearts and couple smoozing over one another,old couple holding hands,cards and candy,chocolate truffles and cupid...need I go on.
In all reality it's over-rated.It is always too crowded to go out to dinner and everyone knows those heart shaped boxes of chocolate only contain two pieces that you actually like..
Today for me means I didn't wake up until one and have been sitting in bed biting into those pieces of chocolate's and drinking sweet coffee all while still sitting in my underwear....fun huh.This is my first day I got to sleep in for a while though..i'm ok with it.
the weather outside is depressing and all I can think about is summer and being posted up on the beach or poolside with mimosa in hand.
Mom and dad booked a condo in May at the beach and I am seriously counting down the days!
Life from my iphone recently:

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