Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Life is sweet

“There is one difference between a long life & a great dinner; in the dinner, the sweet things come last.” 
― Audrey Hepburn

I came across this quote earlier today and it was one of those that just stuck to me and made me think.Not because it's deep and holds a whole lot of hidden meaning..but because it is simple and perfect,the way I like things.Audrey is my biggest icon of all time,my room is packed full of pictures of her!So many things that she has said I can relate to completely...I feel like she was simply saying that our youth is one of the sweetest treats of all...Be young,stay out late,love unconditionally,make your life a memorable one!Our younger years are short and full of random,beautiful not hold yourself back waiting,but better yet live in the now!
and I agree Audrey..
I agree completely.

And just a few iphone pics of  my date night outfit last night...
Luke and I finally made our way to see The Dark Knight Rises and it was Amazing!!!I would definately recommend everyone go and see it if you are into action movies.
 I am completely in love with these navy polka dot capris!!I got them as a major steal at Franchesca's about a week ago...and the necklace!!!which was the last one on sale that I grabbed for 10 bucks!Go Me!

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