Wednesday, October 12, 2011

let there be cake.

Today I got to thinking of how diverse all of my friends are and how I somehow find my way that
I fit in with all of them.I am kind of like a five tiered cake..each layer different in it's own individual way.
 A huge sweet sixteen kind of cake if you will.
The bottom layer would me made from the surf.That is the sand,suntans,and mimosa's on the beach.Mix in some oyster's,sea-gulls and my sea green beach cruiser and you have islander bliss,
Layer four would be for the older demographic.An over-dose of peach bellini's and late nights.The girl who can never go out enough.See and be seen.Never be forgotten,always be known as "that girl"if you catch my drift.
Layer three is a mixture somewhere between Britney and Madonna.Teased hair,pink nails,sparkly converses.
Full of pop culture.This layers theme song would be"baby one more time.."Truth or dare late into the night with cotton candy colored dresses and cake batter coldstone just to solidify the cavities.
Layer two is the"do it all,independant diva",She can do it all with my blackberry in one hand and venti vanilla capp,soy,no whip in the other.This layer's theme song would be,"who run the world,"by Beyonce.
Femme fatal and charlie's angel's.
Finally the tippity-top; the cream of the crop. This is the overarching theme of the whole cake, spilling over onto every other layer. A thick coating of light pink Juicy Couture terry cloth smothers it entirely. This is the explosive fun, like the basket toss in the final rotation of a cheerleading routine.
This is the game shot when the teams down by one point kind of excitement. Cyndi Lauper meets Madonna’s wardrobe kind of wild and crazy. Gaudy and glamorous would be some great descriptive words here. Atop the cake is glitter of every shade of ROYGBV and a smile stricken Barbie doll.
This may be over the top but makes my brand.I am the screaming teen sensation of the twenty-something's guilty pleasure.

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