Wednesday, October 5, 2011

the skinny.

I know you all enjoyed the Chuck Bass montage above.
Your welcome.

One more week and I will be back in my hometown.I'm not going to lie,I am excited..not as excited as I was about moving here in the first place,but nonetheless,still ecstatic.I miss everyone terribly.
And living fifteen minutes away from Luke again will be a plus.
I love being able to go on actual dates with him now!Not all of you know know but Luke was just playing hard to get with me  for the past year(I showed him didn't I).haha.I hope he dosn't read this..
He'll be here tomorrow which means tonight I should probably make my way to the grocery store so I have some form of food in this apartment...because we have none!
Our cabinets consist of two cans of tuna,sour worms,cheezits,and ritz crackers.
And our fridge is no better,
we have skim milk,water,hot chili sauce(whit and I are addicted to eating it with crackers!),a half eaten container of vegtable soup,and....ya I think that is it!
O and a very small amount of definately never lasts us long..
maple syrup
(all the makings for french toast!yumm)
maybe some pasta or spaghetti for one night
and some sandwich stuff!
O and kitty food and litter....that is actually whitney's things!
The thing is I absolutely hate going to buy groceries.I hate wal-mart,I hate dollar geneal,I hate bruno's,the only grocery store I like to go in is whole foods and they're just too darn expensive to shop at all of the time!

Everyone is backing out on bayfest with me now...sad day.I want to go but there isn't really any good bands playing so we could spend 50 dollars plus a piece there,or....on other things,
I choose the booze!

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