Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Flight of the frenchies.

I can honestly say that I am beyond my stress limit with thoughts about school,work,the holidays,and to top it all off I went to the dentist today,scary enough right!...but not only did I have to sit through excruciating scraping and buzzing tools going at my chompers,I also have three cavities!three!Up until today I have been a proud member of the NO CAVITY CLUB,well no more,I am banned for life.
But I mean what can you do,get those teeth filled,register those classes,and try to center everything and keep moving!
Positive thinking!I am trying,I really am.
I want to be more like these guys!
Flight of the frenchies!These guys do it all.They are basejumpers/tight rope walkers(highliners),what an adrenaline rush,how powerful these men must feel after accomplishing something like this!You have to watch it!They just travel around together,cooking eggs in a field,jumping off cliffs.I mean WOW!
Just watch.
one of the men says"A free man is someone who is true to himself,who follows his dreams,and turns them into reality,"I strongly believe that.

Life from my iphone this weekend!
My Jasmine.She is so worthless and adorable.
 dosn't every girl like looking at wedding dresses throught the window?And this one I would throw myself into in a minute!That lace and gold beading and sash is breathtaking!
 My cousin Derrick's baby,Townes Charles Knight!8lbs 12 oz.Ugg too bad he lives all the way in Dallas!I would scoop this little punkin up in a second!

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