Monday, January 23, 2012

Are we in oz?

Last night another terrible tornado made it's way through our little towns and I can only imagine the fear that the victims from last April's fury were feeling....
I mean seriously!Another tornado!!!!
A few being some of my once close girlfriends,the Sander's sisters...who lost their mom,dad,and uncle last year in the storms..disasters like these are what makes you think about people close to you and realize how hard it would be to lose them...whether it be your boyfriend,husband,siblings,pets....
I feel like sometimes I don't show that I care enough,especially with my family members...I sometimes put friends before family and a new found resolution for this year is that I am going to start being more "Family oriented."
I mean is all that you have got.
Today was actually a beautiful day!!!After all of that bad last night came a wonderful 70 degree kind of day!Me and vanessa went for a five mile walk!It was so invigorating!

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