Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring has sprung.

I find myself aching to move closer to the ocean..
Me and luke had a quick talk about how neither one of us would mind one bit waking up by the beach everyday or having crab cakes four nights out of the week for dinner..
I yearn for the beach right now..Between school and work I just want a break and a beer...quite a few beers..A full week of temps in the 70's has me wanting more!!
I am determined to make this summer the best ever!And i'm sure it will be...I will actually have someone great to spend it...And just so all of you guys know,and so Luke will be satisfied if he sees that I wrote sweet nothings about him on here.
My favorite things about boyfriend..
He's I do not feel as strange.
He likes to eat foods that I do.
He likes to party. 
He is an excellent cuddler. 
I think he is adorable with glasses on.
He tries to act hard..but he is secretly chivalrous.
He buys excellent gifts.
He is employed...big plus.
I hate his shows,I hate that he messes with me in the morning...but I love him.
I love eating chinease food together on a friday night in his room.
I love waking up and feeling him next to me.
He actually tells me he loves me all the time...I think I might actually believe him.

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