Sunday, August 28, 2011

Catch of the day.

This is J.T.
He is kind of the jam.
He is from back home,lives in Trussville.But is conveniantly living/working in Mobile for a few months!
so lucky for him and us he has basically had like two girlfriends the past few weeks!(me and Whit!)
So ..I didn't want to leave him feeling left out so I have decided to let you all know a few fun facts about him as well.GO!!

  • He is a muscian-drums,guitar,bass,but dreams to one day play the piano.
  • "I wish life was as easy as work,but the problem is..I am always looking for a fun life..that's complicated."
  • People say I'm fun to be around,and I never know why.Im just me.
  • "I believe I can do anything."
  • I can make friends with anyone..but I am very selective on bro' status.VERY SELECTIVE!

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