Sunday, August 28, 2011


Part of me is so happy right now..burstting with excitement..while the other half is pouting..slacking..
Everything has been so hectic lately and yet I feel like I am doing nothing...
Part of me is like ",you need to apply for dental school and start working on your carreer and start making money".While the other is saying,you are twenty years don't have kids,you're not mairried,for god's sake you barely have a're never going to be this carefree..this young..ever again in your life..So enjoy it all now while you can..have fun.make mistakes.Spend countless broke nights because you spent all of your moneys of the booze or that sweet little fringe number you have had your eye on.
Live and let LIVE.
But things I guess are somewhat falling into place..beside people having bad timing and missing people(a person)back is breezy.Our apartment is slowly but surely starting to fall into place..House shopping is so fun!We are in desperate need for curtains though!The slightest bit of sunlight wakes me up in the morning!
I hope you all have a great week.
I am counting down until this Friday!Off all weekend and I get to see my frands back home.There will be football to watch and beer to be drank.
Let the goodtimes roll.

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